Read Daniel 2:12-23
Yesterday we asked the question ‘What is God like?’. Today we see that God himself provides the answer. Daniel learns of the decree to put to death all the wise men, enchanters and magicians of the kingdom. That includes Daniel and his friends. But who do they turn to? They turn to the living God that reveals mysteries and knows the depths of the darkness. They turn to the sovereign God who knows all things.
And God hears their prayer and reveals the dream to Daniel. Daniel turns to God and spends time praising Him. He offers up exaltation and adoration to the one true living God. To this God belongs power and wisdom. This is the God who can change times and seasons. He is the one who sets up kings and their kingdoms and disposes of them as he sees fit. He imparts wisdom and knowledge to those who know him and seek him. He reveals deep hidden things, things that natural man can not know in and of himself. He is the God who delights to answer prayers.
Our God is so great he is deserving of our adoration and praise. But all too often our prayers turn into a shopping list. We tell God our concerns and ask him to intervene, sometimes even being arrogant or audacious enough to tell him what to do. Then we say the big ‘Amen’ and leave God to it. To help you incorporate praise and adoration into your prayers, start with the Psalms and read a Psalm in adoration and praise to God. Psalm 144 - 150 are all praise Psalms that can be read out to God in adoration. As you feel more confident add your own content to your praises. Praise God for what he’s done in you recently. Adore God for the way in which you’ve seen his power at work. Exalt the Lord for his salvation and work at Calvary. Praise him, adore him, exalt him for his answered prayers. Another way to incorporate praise and adoration into your prayer life is to have some praise songs, adoration songs (what we often call ‘worship songs’) to sing to the Lord. Put them on in the background and sing praise to the Lord Almighty. Open up your heart and meditate (think deeply) about how great God is. Think about how awesome he is and what it would be like to stand in his presence. Think/meditate about his works, his miracles, his wonders and deeds. Open your heart and pour out the praises. Let the praises ring forth from deep within. We should never presume to come before the Lord empty handed (Deut 16:16). We can come before him with a sacrifice of praise, the fruit of lips that confess his name. Hebrews 13:15. Your lips can bring forth a sacrifice of praise and so can your life as you live a life of praise and adoration to Him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
þ Pray that our church gathering on Sonday will be a time of heartfelt and genuine praise and adoration of our God. Pray that everyone will be ready to meet with God and to recommit their lives to him. Pray that God would do great things among us.
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