Read Daniel 2:10-11
Take the challenge. If a non believer were to ask you to describe your God, what would you say? Take a moment to write down a sentence in the space below about your God.
Inadvertently, the Babylonian wise men described their gods as distant, unapproachable and unconcerned about the affairs of humans. These so called gods could do nothing to save them from the king’s edict. They did not even try to seek their gods for the content of the king’s dream and its interpretation. They knew that their gods were powerless to help.
Compare this with the one true living God. Since the fall of Genesis chapter 3 God and mankind have been separated by a barrier of sin. But rather than remain aloof and distant, God has been reaching out to humanity in love and compassion. He chose Abraham and made a nation for himself. This nation was meant to reach the world with His love and compassion. He continued to forgive them and bless them even though they remained a stiff necked and obstinate nation. In the fullness of time God sent his own Son, Christ Jesus, into the world to reach out to us in love. Jesus came as a man, the second Adam, and did what we couldn’t do. He obeyed God perfectly. He offered himself as the perfect sacrifice for our rebellion and sinfulness. Having died on the cross under a curse from God, he was raised to eternal life on the 3rd day and ascended into heaven. From there he sends his Holy Spirit to each and every single believer. God is actively involved in our present world through his church, through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and through his sovereignty over all things.
How would you describe God? He is near. He is loving. He is with us in the most amazing and powerful way. He is tender. He is compassionate. He has done everything needed for us to enter into his presence for all eternity.
þ Pray that you will have opportunity this week to describe your God to non believers. Pray this prayer for each non believer you are in relationship with. Pray for wisdom to give a compelling answer that drives them to find Christ.
þ Pray for the chaplaincy at Glenvale Primary school and Harristown High School. Pray that the chaplains will have a powerful impact on the children and staff as God opens doors for them to share the love of Christ. Pray that a great harvest will come from these schools.
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