Read Jeremiah 30
More often than not Australians are resilient people. If something fails then they will try something else. And this is often how we seek for solutions to troubles in our life. From when we’re little we are taught that sport will give us a sense of purpose and satisfaction; work hard in whatever field you want, so long as it is legal, and you will succeed and have a fulfilled life. Throughout our lives we are looking for whatever it is that satisfies and gives us a sense of fulfilment.
Israel and Judah had turned to the nations to learn from them. This led them into life-practices and habits that didn’t please the Lord. Their relationship with the Lord had become broken and like a festering sore. All the remedies they tried turned them further away from the Lord. He said to them in vs 12-13:
“Your wound is incurable, your injury beyond healing.
There is no one to plead your cause, no remedy for your sore,
No healing for you.”
They were treated as outcasts by everyone they turned to. Can you imagine how that would feel? Can you imagine going to the doctor with a gaping hole in your stomach, which was starting to be infected? But all the doctor can say is, “I can’t help you. It is too bad to be treated.”
Judah was about to be taken into exile by the Babylonians. They’d chosen to listen to the fake prophets who promised that everything would be OK. But even before the exile happened, the Lord had told them: “The day is coming when I will bring my people Israel and Judah back from captivity and restore them to the land I gave their forefathers to possess.”
Who should they choose to believe – the Lord, or these other prophets? To trust the Lord meant pain and suffering, isolation and alienation, then, salvation and restoration. [Read verses 18-22 again.]
How do these verses reflect the nature of God in relating to your life?
What would it be like to have the Lord say to you: “You will be my people, and I will be your God.”
Does the Lord offer comfort today for people who turn to Him? How has He done this? Do the words of Jesus in Matthew 11:28-30 offer you comfort?
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
In Jeremiah 30:21, the Lord talks about raising up a leader after His own heart from within their own midst – someone who will be their ruler. He will come near to God, meaning that this ruler will live as the Lord desires. He will rule His people with the fullness of God’s love and grace. Jesus is that ruler that the Lord will raise up. Jesus will show God’s people the heart of God and helps us live close to God. It is through trusting in Jesus that we receive the peace of God that surpasses all human understanding (Philippians 4:7), and life that is fulfilling (John 10:10).
When it comes to satisfaction in life, the ways of the world cannot help us with solutions that go beyond the temporary. Jesus alone can heal and give us life for all eternity. Jesus alone can forgive our sins and bring us to belong to the Kingdom of God.
Using today’s passage and the reading notes spend time in prayer.
· Pray that each and every person in your congregation would be willing to have a good hard and biblical look at how they seek satisfaction in their lives. Pray that God would be glorified in this as people become more Christ-like in word, deed and thought.
· Pray for the Committee of Management as they meet and administer the finances and buildings for suitable ministry as the Lord desires of your church. Pray that they will carefully consider the ministry needs of your church.
1. What are some ways that people you know are seeking fulfilment in their lives?
2. How would you talk to them about finding their fulfilment for life in Jesus?
P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C e l l
Read this week’s passage and jot
down any problems or issues that come to mind about the passage, it’s
application or meaning to you and/or your church.
O n Y o u r O w n

Key Words/Phrases Jeremiah 30-33
Use this space to write down and define key words/phrases. Look for
repetition and biblical themes from other parts of the Bible.
P r e p a r a t i o n f o r C e l l
After your cell has met, jot down the solutions you found having
studied the passage together.
S o l u t i o n s

How does this passage lead you to pray in terms of
Adoration: Confession Thanks Supplication:
Believers to be Praying for
C e l l G r o u p - D i g g i n g D e e p e r .
The Passage: Read
Jeremiah 30-33
Cell, complete the ‘On Your Own’ section on the previous page. Describe the
context of this passage?
List the key words/phrases and what they mean?
Use your previous page notes
If you were to break up the passage
(Jer 30-33) how would you break it up and what heading would you give each passage? Hint:
Don’t just rely on the NIV headings.
How does Jeremiah 30:23-25 summarise what God
does for His people?
What is
the trouble Jeremiah 30:7 speaks of?
What is God doing when He says: “I will break the yoke off their necks!” in Jeremiah 30:8?
difference does Jeremiah 30:9&21 make for God’s people?

What phrases does Jeremiah use to
describe the status of God’s people when the Lord will bring them back
into fellowship with Himself?
does God promise in the new covenant He will make for His people? (Jer 31:31-36)
does the Lord urge Jeremiah to buy his uncle’s land (Jeremiah 32)
The Lord sees the fullness of His
work even while everything looks desolate. Describe the restored nature of
God’s people in Jeremiah 33.
Describe one practical thing you can take away from this passage
that gives you stamina in terms of maintaining your ministry and
calling. Think of your head heart hands
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