Thursday, 5 February 2015

Thursday February 5, 2015

Read Hebrews 10:19-23

On the negative side we use words like stubborn, obstinate, bulldoggish, recalcitrant and so on to describe people who will not budge from their position. On the positive side we use words like persevering, faithful, long-suffering and patient to describe people who won’t give up. Both groups are doing the same thing – hanging in there and sticking at it. Whether it’s positive or negative depends on what we are hanging onto or sticking at.

The Lord encourages us to hold unswervingly or without bending from the hope we profess. When we think of staying put in our faith or holding onto it we often think in terms of theological heresy or going right off the rails. God’s Word here is not saying avoid heresy (which is a good thing to avoid) but is saying ‘Do not bend away from’ the hope you have in Christ. Heresy is far more than bending. It’s a knot tied in the rope! If you picture a north-south straight line then even a 1 degree bend to the East or the West is still a bend. V23 is encouraging us to stay true to North and not to move even one degree east or west. It is encouraging and exhorting us to cling to the hope we have in Jesus through tough times, through desert wanderings, through trials and temptations.

We have the awesome privilege of being able to draw near to God in full assurance of faith. Since that’s true we should be holding onto our hope without bending away from Christ. In trials and temptations we can draw near to God to find help in our time of need. In our desert wanderings we can draw near to God to find solace and peace. In our tough times we can draw near to God to find peace, security and assurance. In our times of lacking assurance we can drawn near to God knowing that whatever we feel or think, He will neither leave us nor forsake us. In the times when we are bombarded with arguments against Christ and so called “proofs” that the Scriptures are false, we can trust God, drawing near to Him for assurance.

No matter what we may endure in this life, we have the immense privilege of being able to draw near to God in full assurance of faith, knowing that He will receive us, hear us and that He loves us faithfully. When you draw near to God and persevere in the hope that He has given you, the world will see this as stubborn, as unbending, as obstinate and bulldoggish. To them it will be an intolerant negative that must immediately be repented of. Unfortunately they can’t see the hypocrisy of holding their own obstinate position while demanding that you change yours. But don’t be perturbed. God will bless your unswerving faithfulness and will strengthen you even more through this time. Don’t be alarmed or anxious, God is on your side.

Won’t you draw near to God every moment of every day?

Use the day’s reading notes and Bible passage to pray meaningfully:




· Pray that Sondays service would be a great time of drawing near to God and being blessed by His presence so that we can be a blessing to each other and to the community around us.
· Ask the Lord to bring healing to those that need it, reconciliation and forgiveness to those in need and peace to those who are anxious.
 Discussion & Reflection

1. What are the areas where the church is being attacked today and needs to hold unswervingly to the hope it has in Christ Jesus?
2. How can we strengthen and encourage one another in this battle?
3. What habits help us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess in Jesus Christ?

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