Read Luke 2:41-52
For many people December 26 is totally isolated from December 25. It’s a day to get over the hangover, to recuperate from all the food and to clean up the mess made by the friends and relatives. For these people, Jesus will be in the manger again next year and they will migrate back to the church to sing songs, listen to a nice talk and to say a prayer or two for world peace and love.
But interestingly, none of the Gospels stop at the birth of Jesus! It’s not the end of the story but the beginning. Jesus actually grows up.
In Luke 2:41-52 we see an event from His childhood. Jesus decides to stay in Jerusalem while His parents start the long and arduous trek back to Nazareth.
After the incident, in vs 52, we are given a summary of Jesus’ life until He’s about 30 years of age.
“And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and men.”
Jesus, as He grows, grows in wisdom - the knowledge of God and the ability to apply that knowledge to all of life. He also grows in stature - meaning that He’s growing in maturity. But even more than that, Jesus is growing in favour with God. He’s growing closer to God and more intimate with God. People around him are noticing the God-likeness of this young man.
Very soon Jesus will burst onto the scene being heralded by John the Baptist, calling people to repent and to follow Jesus as the God-sent King and ruler of all peoples. Jesus will go on to perform many miracles. He will heal many sick people and drive out many demons. He will give many signs and wonders and He will teach many wonderful things, all to prove that He is the King sent from God.
And on top of it all, Jesus will call people to worship Himself as the Son of God and offer people eternal life if they believe in His name and worship Him.
Christmas is more than about presents and singing carols. It’s about the giving of eternal life for all who come to Jesus. That’s why we need Christ in Christmas.
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