Friday, 4 January 2013

Friday January 4, 2013

In the midst of troubles, peace can be found in Jesus.

Read John 16:25:33


If you’ve never heard of Murphy’s Law, you’ve probably experienced it: “If anything can go wrong, it will.”


Murphy’s maxim reminds me of the principle Jesus shared with His disciples when He told them, “In this world, you will have trouble”  (v 33).  In other words, we can count on it - sooner or later we will hit troubled times.  It’s not the way God originally intended life to be, but when the human race first succumbed to Satan’s seduction in the garden, everything on this planet fell into the grip of sin.  And the result has been disorder and dysfunction ever since.


The reality of trouble in life is obvious.  It’s the reality of peace that often eludes us.  Interestingly, when Jesus warned His followers about trouble, in the  same breath He also promised peace.  He even told them to “be of good cheer , I have overcome the world” (v 31).   The word overcome indicates a past event that has a continuing effect.  Not only did Jesus conquer the fallen world through His death and resurrection but He continues to provide victory, no matter how much trouble we may face.


So, although we can expect some trouble in this fallen world, the good news is that we can count on Jesus for peace in troubled times.



¥ Pray that every single person in your congregation would be equipped and strengthened to fight against temptation in their lives. Pray that more and more, each one would be seeing the victory of Christ over temptation. Pray that the schemes of the evil one in your congregation would be totally thwarted.

¥ Pray that those believers in Iran and Iraq who are being tempted to return to other faiths through intimidation or economic pressure would resist the temptation. Pray that they would be strong and that they would put on the armour of God, daily. Pray that they would be victorious in Christ.



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