Thursday, 27 December 2012

Thursday December 27, 2012

In God’s pattern book of nature, we can trace many valuable lessons.


Read Proverbs 6:6-11


In his book, Adventures Among Ants: a Global Safari with a Cast of Trillions, Mark Moffett reflects on his early childhood fascination with ants. - an interest that didn’t die as he grew older.  Moffett’s preoccupation led to his earning a doctorate at Harvard and then embarking on worldwide travel as an expert on the subject.  His study has given him marvellous insight about these industrious creatures.


Long before Moffett discovered some of the wonders of the ant world, the Scriptures remarked on the ingenuity and work ethics of these tiny insects,  Ants are held up by King Solomon as an example of industry for those who tend to be lazy: “Go to the ant, you sluggard!  Consider her ways and be wise, which, having no captain ... provides her supplies in the summer, and gathers her food in the harvest” (vs 6-8).


The marvels of God’s creation are beautifully illustrated as God uses His creatures to instruct us.  For instance, from the ant we can see the importance of planning ahead and laying away provisions for the future (Proverbs 30:25).  God built spiritual lessons into nature itself, and we can learn from creatures even as tiny as an ant.



¥ Pray for the believers you know who are facing mountains before them. Pray that through Christ they will conquer and be victorious. Pray that God’s Spirit will raise up men of courage in your congregation and that they would lead in God given humility, love and service. Pray this especially for your eldership.

¥ Pray for a decisive growth in your congregation through conversions. Pray that every single person courageously steps out in faith to share the work of Jesus and that through this courage we see substantial growth in your congregation.



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