Read Mark 14:26-31, 53-54, 66-72
Have you ever done something you’re ashamed of? Of course you have. So have I! Unfortunately I can think of too many such things. What a relief to think that even the Apostle Peter is in our company.
Though the reading for today is broken up, it helps us to follow what transpired for Peter. After hearing Jesus, his Lord and Saviour speak of His impending death, Peter valiantly declares that he will die with Jesus if he has to. Peter is being realistic, if not overly zealous. From his character portrayed in the gospels, he probably would have fought bravely and courageously to keep Jesus safe. Remember that one of the disciples in the Garden drew a sword and cut off the servant’s ear while trying to defend Jesus. It was probably Peter!
Even so, as Peter followed closely behind Jesus he found himself in the courtyard of the High Priest. There he was accused several times by different people, mostly women. Interestingly, many historians have commented that a women’s testimony would not have stood up in a court of law. Legally, Peter had nothing to fear. But within minutes the rooster crows and Peter weeps bitterly, knowing that Jesus’ had again spoken words of truth. Peter had denied Jesus just as Jesus had said.
Now at this point we have two people that have betrayed Jesus - Judas and Peter. Judas was rejected but Peter was reinstated in John 21. Why the difference? It’s not that one sin was worse than the other. It has to do with the heart of the sinner. Peter was remorseful and wept bitterly. He was genuinely sorry for what he did.
The message of Easter is all the more powerful when it is proclaimed, not by the self righteous, but by those who have personally experienced the grace, the love, the forgiveness of Easter. The message is all the more powerful as we stand up as forgiven sinners telling of a love that has washed us clean and made us whole. This Easter pray that you would have such opportunities.
¥ Pray that you and everyone in your congregation would have ample opportunity to proclaim the message of Easter as they have experienced it. Pray that our testimony to Jesus will bring many to salvation.
¥ Pray that the Word of God through the preaching and teaching on Good Friday and Sonday would be powerful and active. Pray that God’s Word would bring conviction of sin, righteousness and judgement. Pray for the Holy Spirit to apply the Word and to bring or grant repentance and faith in Jesus.
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