Read: Mark 1:40-44
I read with tears the heart breaking story of a hospital in Sydney that cares for and shows Christian love to the most horridly defected babies. Most of the babies die relatively quickly but many live on, some for a few years. The details caused deep anguish in my heart but then I realised the ugly truth. It’s one thing to read a story and to feel sorry for someone, but it’s another story all together to show compassion towards another human being. Compassion is not a feeling or emotion that exists by itself. Compassion, though it may involve our emotions, is a commitment to benefit the welfare of another person in some way, shape or form.
How often do we see Jesus as a man of compassion? When He sees the sick and demon possessed, He has compassion on them. When He sees the hungry He has compassion on them. When He sees someone in need, He has compassion on them. Jesus’ compassion reaches out and touches people in their most dire need. Jesus’ compassion looks outwards and serves the other person. Jesus’ compassion led Him to die on the cross accursed by God so that you and I could be called Children of the Living God.
Our world desperately needs churches that are filled with compassion. Our world desperately needs to see theology and Biblical literacy practiced through heartfelt compassion. The world needs to see the churches reaching out to the untouchables of society and genuinely and selflessly blessing them.
Look up Acts 4:34-35 and spend the day meditating upon what is said there.
With your cell group, brainstorm which untouchable group your cell could minister to. Brainstorm ways and means that your cell could give a one off blessing to this group.
Prayer Points:
> Pray for world mission for Ongoing financial support for all the projects and missions being planned for rest of this year.
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