Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Tuesday August 16, 2011

Read  2 Corinthians 8-9


In addition to our resources of time and talent, we have been entrusted with the stewardship of various treasures including our bodies (Romans 12:1; 1 Cor. 6:19-20), our minds (Rom. 12:2; 1 Peter 1:13), and our opportunities (Colossians. 4:5). In the remainder of this booklet, we will focus on the treasure of our financial resources, since Scripture has so much to say about this basic concern that affects us all.  When it comes to governing our financial affairs, we must choose between two radically different approaches: the values of our society, or the values of the Bible. The first alternative tells us to find happiness and peace through money; the second tells us to find the desire of our hearts in the Lord and to be content with what He gives us. Money is a good servant but a bad master--if we follow the world's wisdom, money will dominate us, but if we submit to "the wisdom from above" (James 3:17), money will serve us as we use it to serve God and others.  While the Bible has about 500 verses on prayer and fewer than 500 verses on faith, there are over 2,300 Biblical verses that deal with money and possessions.


Without apology, our Lord said more about money than He did about any other subject, including heaven and hell put together. Over 10% of the New

Testament relates directly to financial matters.  Why is there such an emphasis? One reason is that God knew we would have trouble managing our money and that we would spend a great amount of time earning, spending, and investing it. A second reason is that money has a profound effect on interpersonal relationships. Many people spend more than half their time thinking about money, and financial difficulties are a major cause of marital conflict and divorce. A third reason is that the way we use our money is a real measure of our commitment to Christ. Scripture relates money to the love of God: "But whoever has the world's goods, and beholds his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him?" (1 John 3:17).


We can assume an appearance of spirituality in prayer, Christian service, and Bible knowledge, but we cannot fake the way we use our money and possessions. Our wallet reveals more about our character and walk with the Lord than we may think.


Financial freedom should be a part of our new life in Christ, and the wise person seeks the timely practice of timeless principles in this vital area. We will look at the biblical guidelines concerning the proper attitudes toward money (ownership, priorities, contentment), and the proper actions with money (responsibilities, giving, borrowing, budgeting, saving, communicating).


Summarise what you think the Bible says about giving financially.



> Pray for the Orphanage that the Shiloh Ministries care for in Orissa, India.

> Praise God that the children spent 24 hours in prayer and fasting for funds to be made available for the ongoing work required at their orphanage. Ask God for this need to be continually met now and in the future.


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