Read 2 Peter 1:3-4
I tend to hate knee-jerk reactions, don’t you? But often what I see in the Christian world is knee jerk reactions. In the past we saw a barrage of ‘academia’ sweep through our pulpits. Many sermons went over people’s heads and were largely irrelevant to every day life. People were literally bored as they heard preachers prattle about historical, linguistic and grammatical issues that were completely useless in our daily walk with the Lord. The knee jerk reaction came as the Christian church rejected knowledge in favour of emotion. If it felt good, it was spiritual. Feelings and emotions overtook dry and sombre Sonday services. People no longer wanted facts or knowledge, but that “spiritual high” that came from feeling close to God.
By no means am I against feelings or emotions. They are God given elements of our personality. However, I am deeply concerned that knowledge has been pushed aside. Hopefully the pendulum will swing back and the church will settle in a godly middle ground.
Read 2 Peter 1:3-4 again and notice what role knowledge plays.
His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness.
Knowing God is not optional for a life of fullness and godliness. Knowing God is as vital to our Christianity as it is for a wife to know her husband and vice versa. If we fail to know God we may well be passionate Christians, but our passion may be for sinful and ungodly things rather than for the glory of our God. I’ve seen “Christians” being passionate about yelling out obscenities during worship, thinking that this is the key to having a full life. I’ve witnessed churches run “Great Sex” seminars on Sonday mornings thinking that they have a wonderful church that is relevant and inspiring. I’ve heard of Christians being desperate to be “slayed in the Spirit” each and every Sonday to feel fulfilled. One writer even jibbed that a regular planned meeting time with God can no more grow your relationship with God than a planned regular time between husband and wife can grow their marriage. All of these people are anti-knowledge. None of these believers knew God. None of them were growing in their knowledge of God.
Knowing God is not a dull and boring route learning of verses and lists. It’s not like trying to route learn maths formulae or scientific equations. Knowing God is about growing in depth and intimacy and love with God as you learn more about His love and passion for you. The old ASV captured beautifully the sense of knowing when it read, ‘Adam knew his wife Eve and she bore him a son’. Knowing God has a richness and depth to it. Knowing God has a deep seated passion to it.
So how do I get to know God more? How do I learn to love God? How can I grow closer to God? Read on tomorrow and you’ll find out more.
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