Read Romans 10:14-15, Isaiah 55:10-11,%20%20Isaiah%2055:10-11&version=NIV
Problems and fear often arise for us in evangelism because we forget who we are and where we fit into the picture. Often I find myself being afraid of evangelism because that other person is too smart, has too many questions or is just too plain scary. I forget my role, God’s role and the other person’s role. We worry ourselves, thinking that we have to say the right thing, have every answer and be witty enough, funny enough, serious enough etc to win that person over. We take upon ourselves the burden that belongs to God.
Romans 10:14-15 paints a beautiful picture of my role in reaching the lost. I am a messenger. I don’t create the message. I don’t make it up. I am a delivery boy sent to give others the message. God determined the message (it’s the Gospel, if you haven’t worked it out yet). The result of how others respond to the message are out of my hands. It’s not my responsibility. I am a messenger. God determines what will happen when I deliver the message. Read Isaiah 55:10-11. God will work through my delivery, be it as bad as it may or as good as it can be! My role is to faithfully convey the message of life. I am not responsible for converting others, for making their mind up or for badgering them into the kingdom. Whether the other persons receives or rejects the message is not my issue. God wants me to bring the good news of peace to them. He will determine the rest.
I can lay down in peace each and every night knowing that God has made me a messenger. How beautiful are the feet (remember, the foot is the bit that trudges through mud, camel droppings and is pretty much left till last to clean) that bring good news. You have great news to bring to the world. Be a faithful messenger.
Ask the Lord to be turning you into a disciple maker. Pray that God would give you the wisdom to know when to speak, what to say, who to speak to and how to speak to them. Pray that you will be a Spirit filled ambassador for Jesus.
Ask God to open doors for you to speak about Christ to the people you’ve been praying for this month.
Pray that everyone in your church would be taking the message of good news out into their world.
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